Exploring the illusion of separation
by Lao Tsu
by Lao Tsu

Introducing One
One is a collaboration of sculpture, light and sound. The work explores the illusion of separation. “In an ever ‘connected’ world we find more and more people experiencing loneliness and feelings of isolation.
The first part explores the sensation of being surrounded by people and still feeling alone, while at the same time offering a perspective shift to realise that everything is interconnected and that we all participate in the creation of our experience,” explained Glenn.
The 108
You enter a hall filled with 108 lifesize figures, captured in a moment, in swirling forms created from wire. In this space time is absent, each form is a vortex of potential.
From the chest of each figure rises a filament, up through their spines and out through the tops of the heads up to the ceiling, where they all gather in a network of roots all making their way to a veil at the other side of the section. A pulsing light begins in the chests of each figure and travels all the way from the chest up through the head and all the way through the network above. You choose a path that leads you to a clearing at the centre of the hall. Why 108? In many cultures 108 is a sacred number.
According to the mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, who was born around A.D. 1170 and after whom the Fibonacci sequence is (nick)named, it is believed that the number 108 has a way of representing the wholeness of existence. This subject will be explored more throughout the installation.
The Elephant in the Room
At the centre of the crowd is an elephant that seems to be shifting between alternate realities. As though appearing in from nowhere the elephant has 6 figures all grasping at various parts of the giant as it morphs into this realm. This embodies the parable of the six blind men and the elephant.
Each of them tries to describe the creature based on the experience they have with the particular part they are inspecting. The one with the trunk declared it is like a snake, and the one with the tusk thinks it is like a spear. The one with an ear declared it was like a giant fan while the one with a leg said it was like a tree.
This is a very old fable and has been adapted and elaborated on over the centuries. It can be thought of as the elephant being the ‘truth’ and all organised religions are the blind men declaring that they alone ‘know’ what that truth is and that all others have it wrong. Rejoining the path you will come to the veil.
The Woods
As your journey continues to the third and final phase, you will be offered a perspective shift away from loneliness toward connectedness.
You find yourself in a small forest of tree sculptures, these have been created through a series of community engagement workshops working with minority groups that ordinarily would not have access to culture events. When you change your perspective you realise that embedded in the scene is a hidden message…..

Sri Anandamayi Ma
Join the "108"
Unit 4, Kilkerrin Park 3,
Liosban, Galway,
Co. Galway.